arc diff stuck
Lakhan Shiva Kamireddy
2018-06-24 09:56:02 UTC

I am new to using phabricator. I am working with Git version control. I set
up arcanist cli to be used with phabricator. I was able to successfully
create differential revision. After this i was also able to update the
differential revision. But now arc is stuck on this step:
<http> https://reviews.freebsd.org/api/differential.querydiffs

Please find below the trace of my command...
arc diff 51fbc9d~ --update D15979 --trace
ARGV '/usr/share/arcanist/bin/../scripts/arcanist.php' 'diff' '51fbc9d~'
'--update' 'D15979' '--trace'
LOAD Loaded "phutil" from "/usr/share/libphutil/src".
LOAD Loaded "arcanist" from "/usr/share/arcanist/src".
Config: Reading user configuration file "/home/lakhanshiva/.arcrc"...
Config: Did not find system configuration at "/etc/arcconfig".
Working Copy: Reading .arcconfig from
Working Copy: Path "/home/lakhanshiva/freebsd/freebsd" is part of `git`
working copy "/home/lakhanshiva/freebsd/freebsd".
Working Copy: Project root is at "/home/lakhanshiva/freebsd/freebsd".
Config: Did not find local configuration at
[0] <conduit> user.whoami() <bytes = 117>
[1] <http> https://reviews.freebsd.org/api/user.whoami
<<< [1] <http> 3,649,897 us
<<< [0] <conduit> 3,654,484 us
[2] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --raw 'HEAD' --
[3] <exec> $ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard
<<< [2] <exec> 188,299 us
<<< [3] <exec> 300,742 us
[4] <exec> $ git diff-files --name-only
<<< [4] <exec> 69,717 us
[5] <event> diff.didCollectChanges <listeners = 0>
<<< [5] <event> 255 us
[6] <conduit> differential.query() <bytes = 149>
[7] <http> https://reviews.freebsd.org/api/differential.query
<<< [7] <http> 1,449,609 us
<<< [6] <conduit> 1,450,057 us
[8] <conduit> differential.getcommitmessage() <bytes = 172>
[9] <http> https://reviews.freebsd.org/api/differential.getcommitmessage
<<< [9] <http> 1,102,123 us
<<< [8] <conduit> 1,102,548 us
[10] <conduit> differential.parsecommitmessage() <bytes = 1,026>
[11] <http>
<<< [11] <http> 754,348 us
<<< [10] <conduit> 754,861 us
[12] <event> diff.didBuildMessage <listeners = 0>
<<< [12] <event> 108 us
[13] <exec> $ git rev-parse --git-dir
<<< [13] <exec> 5,680 us
[14] <exec> $ git rev-parse 'HEAD'
<<< [14] <exec> 13,185 us
[15] <exec> $ git merge-base '51fbc9d~'
<<< [15] <exec> 17,679 us
[16] <exec> $ git log --first-parent --format=medium
<<< [16] <exec> 8,342 us
[17] <conduit> differential.querydiffs() <bytes = 151>
[18] <http> https://reviews.freebsd.org/api/differential.querydiffs
Please let me know if you know the reason.


Continue reading on narkive: